Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The more we learn, the more we find out we don't know...

Tami is living this right now, so we could have told you this, but look at this study. After you read this, make sure that when you get a colonoscopy done, its done somewhere that knows what they are looking for, or at.

You may have read this on Tami's blog, but when she was first diagnosed she received a colonoscopy in the hospital. The doctor told us how good everything looked, and how what we know now as a fairly large tumor didn't look like much at all.

Some weeks later when this doctor tried collecting on his bill, Tami made sure to explain about how Mayo found a number of polyps and the tumor was quite large and most certainly cancer. Needless to say we never heard more from this doctor, or from anyone trying to collect on this bill.

So as an important note, not only is this test important to get done, its important to get it done in the right place.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the warning. When using an expert of any sort, be it a lab technician, surgeon or financial advisor, we tend to assume that they know what they are doing and forget that they are very human, not perfect, make mistakes, and sometimes their skills can be sub par. Never hurts to double check.

Have a great Christmas, and Happy Birthday, Norm!